Albree Dog Training
Miller & Miller Dog Training
Group Classes
Group classes are a cost effective way to learn training and dog handling skills and work your dog with the added benefit of "Distraction Proofing". Does your dog obey you in the house but nowhere else? Outside distractions often keep dogs from paying attention. Group classes are taught in a park setting with other dogs, people, and all types of distractions so they provide the perfect opportunity to "fine tune" your handling skills and correct unwanted behavior problems. However, if once in awhile you still need a little more personal attention, private lessons are available upon request.

This class is designed for puppies and dogs over 4 months old and current on all their vaccinations. You will learn how to teach your dog to sit, down, stay, come, and heel. Also we will cover common problems of digging, jumping, barking, and any other problems that you may encounter.
This class is designed for those who have completed the beginning class and would like to improve their training skills or would like to prepare for Obedience Competition.
This class is designed for handlers with dogs that have earned titles in some sort of competition and would like to improve on their training skills.