Albree Dog Training
Miller & Miller Dog Training
COVID-19 Latest News Updates
Revised 04/28/21
Group Classes:
The Class Schedule will be continuously updated (with a new revision date) as classes fill or guidelines change.
If you are unsure about any classes, please call.
Private Lessons:
Private lessons are currently available by appointment. Call 916-485-4452 to schedule.
Contacting Us via Email:
We have experienced some intermittent issues receiving email. If at any time you do not get an email response within 24-48 hours or if your email to us "bounces" or is "undeliverable", please let us know immediately in one of the following ways:
Call us directly at 916-485-4452.
Email us via the Contact page (we are receiving all of these).
Please check back here often for the latest news and updates. We hope to see you all soon and thank you for your continued support. Stay well and stay safe.